
Vatican Post


Today’s Source for Current News in the Catholic Church


3 Things We Can Learn From the Life of Mother Teresa

In her 87 years on earth, Mother Teresa, born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, faithfully lived out her calling to serve the Lord. Moving away from everything and everyone she knew, she moved to India, first joining the convent of the Loreto Sisters and later moving into Calcutta’s slums. Here she loved and served the poorest of…

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This Week in the Catholic Church

July 24 – July 30 This Week in the Catholic Church Sunday, July 24 2016 Prayer of the Day – The Prayer for Travellers Saint of the Day – St John Boste St John Boste was canonized by Pope Paul the VI in 1970 as one of the Forty Martyrs, a martyr of Durham.  Born…

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